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More Great (and Free) Ideas and Inspiration from Moda Designers
More Great (and Free) Ideas and Inspiration from Moda Designers
Last week I perused the blogs of some of Moda’s designers and found great information, patterns, and inspiration. (And if you’re following along on the All in a Row blog hop you've probably encountered more.) This week I checked out a few of the designers' websites and the goodies available there.
First up: patterns. I mentioned last week that I’m away from home with my sewing machine and fabric, but no patterns or books. Websites and blogs were the answer to my dilemma…kind of. Turns out there are so many options out there that I’m a bit overwhelmed and haven’t chosen one yet. Check these out:

Barb and Mary of Me and My Sister have lots of great quilt patterns downloadable via PDF. I’m kind of partial to the XOXO pattern, particularly since I’ve got a layer cake or two I’d like to use.

Janet Clare has a pattern for a Nocturne Table Runner, but also a pattern and tutorial for learning appliqué and machine-drawn embroidery to make Runner Duck—she suggests whipping up an entire flock.

Since I'm traveling, I was drawn to Brigitte Heitland of Zen Chic's quick luggage tag tutorial (in both English and German)—perfect for locating your suitcase in the sea of black bags whirling around the luggage carousel. (She's also offers a free, downloadable ZiggiZaggi Pillow Pattern on the lefthand side of her home page.)

Corey Yoder’s site is like hitting the mother lode of free goodies. Quilts, individual blocks, bags, and adorable pillows. I’m especially taken with the the Red Quilted Pillow, which employs her beloved big stitch quilting

On Kathy Schmitz’s site are a wealth of free embroidery patterns. There are more on the right-hand side of her blog, too, and what I especially like about these are the excellent illustrations explaining the embroidery stitch used in the projects.

Anne Sutton of Bunny Hill has some great patterns for little stuffed hearts appliquéd with adorable snowmen—one for each month of the year. She’s got one that’s just perfect for next month and Valentine’s Day. (And she makes a point that her free patterns, and indeed the free patterns on everyone's sites, are for individual use and not to be sold or distributed commercially.)
Edyta Sitar’s Laundry Basket Quilts web site has it right up there on top—“Free Stuff.” Her Spool Pincushion looks perfect for a project I have in mind. (Sorry, don't have a photo of this one.)
Vanessa Goertzen of Lella Boutique has some cute patterns and a great binding tutorial that links to that most wonderful site of all: The Moda Bake Shop! Talk about an amazing resource of free patterns and tips for using your pre-cuts! Here’s a link to Vanessa’s binding tutorial and to her Jumping Jacks quilt, which could prove just the ticket for the jelly roll I have with me.
So there—an incredible number of inspiring projects and "how-to" instructions. Have I missed some? Please share them in the comment section below.