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Scattered Squares Quilt

Scattered Squares Quilt

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Hi Moda Bake Shop Friends! I’m Melanie from A Bit of Scrap Stuff and I’m so excited to share a new Moda Bake Shop Project! Today we are making Scattered Squares with the happy Orchard fabric by April Rosenthal! This quilt would be perfect for all your Spring and Summer picnics! It’s a beginner friendly pattern that uses my favorite precuts: Charm Pack and Layer Cake! Save your favorite fabrics to be the large squares so they really stand out! Let’s get quilting!

Scattered Squares Quilt finishes at 57.5” x 66.5”

1 Layer Cake® - Orchard by April Rosenthal

1 Charm Pack - Orchard by April Rosenthal

3.5 yards backing fabric
0.625 yards binding fabric

Please read all instructions prior to beginning. Seam allowances are ¼”.

WOF = Width of fabric (at least 42”)

RST= Right Sides Together

---Cutting Instructions---

  1. Choose (19) 10” Layer Cake Squares

Cut from each Layer Cake Square

  • (2) 3” x 10” rectangles. Label A (Total of 38)
  • (1) 3” x 10” rectangle. Sub-cut into (2) 3” x 5” rectangles. Label B (Total of 38)
  1. Remaining (23) 10” Layer Cake Squares. Label Block 2. (no cutting required)
  2. Choose (19) 5” Charm Squares Label C. (no cutting required)
  1. Binding Fabric:  Cut (7) strips 2.5” x WOF

---Block Assembly---

  Block 1: Requires (2) 3” x 10” A*, (2) 3” x 5” B*, (1) 5” x 5” C    *Fabrics A and B will be the same.

  1. Sew (1) B 3”x 5” rectangle to opposite sides of (1) 5” x 5” C squares. Press toward fabric B. Label Row B/C.

  1. Sew (1) 3” x 10” A rectangle above and below Row B/C. Press seams towards fabric A. Block 1 measures 10” x 10” unfinished.

  1. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until you have sewn a total of (19) Block 1.

---Row Assembly---

Assemble rows together with a 1/4" seam as shown in diagrams below.

Row 1

Row 2

Row 3

Row 4

Row 5


Row 6

Row 7

---Quilt Assembly---

  • Sew rows together in numerical order with a ¼” seam.
  • Press Row 1, 3, 5, 7 to the left
  • Press Row 2, 4, 6 to the right
  • Block seams should nest.
  • Quilt and Bind with preferred method.

Scattered Squares Quilt finishes at 57.5” x 66.5”.

I hope you enjoy making your own Scattered Squares Quilt with your favorite Moda Layer Cake and Charm Pack! I can’t wait to see your Scattered Squares Quilts! Be sure to follow  A Bit of Scrap Stuff Blog and/or @ABitofScrapStuff on Instagram where I share more fabric fun!

When sharing online, please use #ScatteredSquaresQuilt  #ModaBakeShop #ABitofScrapStuffPattern

Melanie Call

blog: A Bit of Scrap Stuff
instagram: @ABitofScrapStuff
